We know that the Canberra region needs CIT more than ever as we recover from the pandemic.

CIT, as our public TAFE provider, is the best way to provide high-quality vocational education to our community. It has strong links with industry and wraparound services to give every student the extra support they may need.

But without recognition, our CIT is at risk of being undermined by private training organisations that are motivated by profit, not people. We need to show that we value CIT teachers and the work that they do.

We need to show that CIT matters and support public TAFE to:

  • Rebuild a strong workforce equipped with the skills of today and tomorrow.
  • Rebuild our pipeline of essential workers to improve our aged care, childcare and nursing sectors which are chronically understaffed.
  • Rebuild the careers of young people who have been hit hardest by the pandemic.
  • Rebuild our lives after redundancy or career change and help us adapt to technological change.
  • Rebuild a green economy to train workers and inspire the entrepreneurs of the future to tackle the climate crisis.

Resources for CIT teaching staff

CIT enterprise agreement

AEU claims for CIT bargaining

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CIT teachers enterprise bargaining

CIT Teachers are currently bargaining for working conditions that will deliver better results for CIT staff and students. You can find out more about what the AEU ACT Branch is advocating for in our Log of Claims or review the CIT Teachers Enterprise Agreement.

Want more information? You can contact the AEU ACT Branch office or submit a question using this form.

The latest news for CIT teaching staff

Wunderkind CIT apprentice chef sets the Table

The closest thing to a set menu at Table by Canberra Gourmet, is a constant flow of new ideas written in marker on the kitchen bench. The brainchild of Chef Thomas Heinrich, Table is a place for young, talented chefs to be as creative as possible.

Refreshed Canberra Institute of Technology board to refocus on ‘core purpose and vision’

“The board is looking forward to working with the ACT government to strengthen CIT’s governance framework and procurement and financial management to assure expenditure of public funding is aligned with the CIT’s core purpose and mission,”

Rachel Crawford to represent Australia’s Skillaroos at 2022 WorldSkills Championship

Family gathered together screaming at the TV as Rachel Crawford took home a national gold medal last October. Now the Canberra baker is now hoping to make the country proud on the international stage.

Media Release 15 June 2022: CIT funding cuts

Federal government cuts, not consultancy fees, are the greatest concern for CIT teachers. Today, CIT teachers made clear their view that the federal government’s funding cuts, not consultancy fees, are the greatest concern for CIT teachers.

Authorised by Patrick Judge for the Australian Education Union ACT Branch, Level 1, 71 Leichhardt Street, Kingston, ACT 2604

© 2022 AEU ACT